Monday, March 3, 2008

Make your wildest dreams come true! I don't buy it either... I kind of buy it.

I came across this magic website called when googling what steps must be taken to make a move to Barcelona. People can make lists of the things they want to do, and then you are linked to all the other people who want to do the same thing, and you check off things as you do them. I've heard of this idea before where if you write something down it is more likely to happen. That's a buncha kookiness you say, but it makes some sense when you think about it. There has been all this hocus pocus surrounding the book 'The Secret' which Oprah has featured on her show a few times now. I refuseeeeeeeeeee to read it (for now at least), although the new book shes advertising 'A New Earth' looks better. Anyways, along with I believe that the book is correct in saying that if we think positive thoughts and write down what we want to do that it can happen, however the book starts making up words for our thoughts and the universe they go into and the negative energy that can bounce back and all that jazz (i know all of this from the show btw, and i'm watching oprah btw because i'm waiting to get a job:). Well, frankly you can't make up truths and proclaim them to be truths! Well I guess you can. People do it all the time(ex: bush), but in this case I don't believe in making our dreams somewhat of an organized religion, where if you don't do a certain thing they won't come true, and if you do they will. I do understand what the book is implying though; there is comfort in making our dreams and wishes exist and if you write something down it is there forever. If it simply stays in your mind then nobody knows and it won't hurt if you don't do it, but if you write it down, then you have to! For your own ego's sake at least. If you don't care enough about it, then it won't happen and your ego won't be hurt anyhow. Also, I think if you write goals down you automatically begin to think about how to accomplish them with time. At the very least, a list can help remind you of what you really want for yourself when you get carried away from time to time. is my list... to be continued continously...

1. Work as an art director
2. Live in Barcelona, Australia, London (technically I've done this last one, but it was only for a month).
3. Design jewelry... I'd like to design other things as well, but this is something I think I'd be down right good at. (I think you're allowed to be a little cocky when making a list)
4. Sell a piece of art, as in a painting or drawing etc. I be that would be an amazing feeling knowing that someone else saw in your work what you felt and was willing to pay money to own your creation.
5. Write a book... not sure about what yet, maybe traveling, maybe anything.
6. Travel..everywhere. First and foremost though I want to go to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Northern Europe, Turkey, Morocco, South Africa, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Thailand.
7. Learn massage therapy. My mom always tells me I have nice hands. In the 5th grade they also told me I should play the cello because of my hands (of course I refused, I wasn't going to be the nerdy girl playing the cello).
8. Get back abs of steel....and work out on a regular basis because I realized I'm definitely happier after a friendly game of soccer or late night dance workout.
9. Bartend/own a bar... not because I'm an alcoholic, but because this is a handy skill if you want to travel/work in other countries, and I'm a social person and I love nightlife- the music, the dancing, the atmosphere...everything.
10. Which leads me to... learning how to dj/play violin/play piano. Once upon a time I knew how to play the piano, the trumpet and the guitar, but I forgot them all and I never really took it far enough, so here's to hoping I remember what I learn for any of these.
11. Learn how to cook. For the longest time I have held this off. I can make a mean sandwich (which is an art), some interesting pasta, and amazing mixes of different cereals, but that is about it. I vowed to my mother that I will marry someone who can cook because I refuse to do it everyday. Anyhow it has started to interest me as of recently because I realized I am out of college and need to eat real food once again and I won't be married any time soon.
12. A few places in the U.S. I've yet to visit...Miami, Las Vegas, L.A. and Hawaii
13. I want to open up a shop. I have an idea for an art store that I can't share because then you will steal it, it is so great. (I know this because Saskia agrees and she is an architectural design graduate and I value her opinion:). In fact, it is so great that it may be done somewhere. But I'd also open up a clothing store; I think I'd be a good buyer and would love to design some stuff. I would also consider a dulceria, kind of like the movie chocolat, but in a city and definitely with cupcakes and other fine goods. I have a sweet tooth that is big enough to be worth mentioning. New idea...perhaps a sweetery/flower shop. What else could you need besides yummies and flowers?
14. Do things with my friends besides eating out, seeing movies, and going downtown. I saw this on someone's list when I stumbled upon the website and I feel that I need to add it too. I've heard novelty is the best thing for relationships and it's amazing how much you don't know about your own friends if all you do is spend time doing these three things. Although I am a huge fan of all three..there's more to life.
15. Speaking of which... in conjunction with traveling I would like to constantly embark on new adventures, like tree repelling in Costa Rica, or white water rafting in New Zealand.
16. A personal goal- being happy in the moment (This is the hardest for me to do at this point as I am simply spending each day waiting to hear news of work. I also think about traveling too much if that isn't already clear. However, being anxious all the time I'm sure doesn't lead to any sort of happiness).

I'm sure there are other things, but these are what I want for my life some time between the near future and the next 10 years or later. :)

I'll update if any wishes come true woHooo

1 comment:

mstrex said...

there's a couple of things on your list you should do RIGHT NOW. i can tell you once you start working your time is precious and it'll be much harder. here's some ideas... Combine 3 and 4.. start designing and making the jewelry right now, do it!!! and sell it on very easy. you can sell other stuff too if you want. #11 cooking.. you can totally do that right now too. you don't just learn how to cook, you have to pick one thing you really like and make it ALOT and then all of a sudden it comes naturally and then you learn another dish...etc. DO IT... while you're still free and not a slave to the dollar. have fun! :)