Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why I Voted for Obama and Why I Think You Should Too

This election is getting a little bloody. Inevitably it seems, Hilary and Barack are headed to the convention giving McCain plenty of time to rally his troops. As well it gives the democratic/independent voters a chance to further take sides and less time to swing back the other way for the national election. Following the mess that is Bush it seems the Democrats weren't going to take any chances and gave birth two strong candidates. In the end, I voted for Barack in the primary here in Texas. I am thoroughly disappointed in the 51-48 majority Clinton has won in the popular vote...especially since the rural areas here gave her that lead. As for winning Ohio; that damn state is also one of the reasons Bush became president so they are basically a thorn in our country's side.

If in the end Hilary wins the Democratic nomination I will vote for her and I will be proud to have her as president, and the fact that she is a woman will only add to that. However, I feel strongly that Barack is the right candidate. The two of them agree on many issues and policy from the economy to immigration reform, however they do have differences:

1. Foreign Relations- When discussing whether they would meet with Cuba, Barack stated that it is important for U.S. diplomacy for our country to meet with our friends as well as our enemies. He mentioned that because of the general current global attitude towards our country that we need to be more proactive than we would usually be, the opposite viewpoint of Clinton who said we would only meet given preconditions and actions on behalf of Cuba. I agree with Barack that we have a delicate position in the world view as of present and that we have to get rid of this superiority complex, be less aggressive and more proactive. He also quoted JFK in saying "We should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate."

2. Barack's ability to unite the country- Given the fact that there is an intense opposite towards Hilary within the Republican party and within a small portion of the Democratic party, I am doubtful of how easily she will be able to successfully unite the public and the House and Senate to pass needed legislation and make real change. It won't be easy for either of them, but I feel that Barack has the ability to bring together Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Hilary keeps bringing up her experience but it really doesn't matter in this case. They both have some experience, and I agree with Barack's decision to be against the war when it wasn't popular while Hilary backed the war. I also feel that her experience won't help her ability to make literal changes for a number of other reasons. It is also refreshing that he is less like a politician and relatively 'new'. The same way when you approach a problem creatively to create an advertisement or brand or idea or campaign, sometimes the best ideas come from those on the outside... the people who see the situation for what it is and see what the best changes are and would be. They are also the ones who believe they can do it and tend to do it because they are not stuck in the mindset of how things are and should be (see #6). It is the same eagerness, willingness, creativity and ability children have that adults try to hold on to.

3. Who is voting for whom- Clinton's base of support rests in senior citizens, older women and people who reside in rural areas while Barack's rests in urban blacks and the younger generation. The younger generation is my generation and I feel that we don't want a leader who will rally the Democratic party together, but one that will rally the country together-- my opinion of course. I must add that Oprah backs Obama and I personally believe she is right about a lot of things. :)

4. The fact that Barack is black, or rather that he is not white- We can't mask our eyes to the fact that Barack is black and Hilary is a woman and these two characteristics definitely play a part in why some people are voting. Although I am a woman I feel that it is of greater importance for us to have a minority as president than it is for us to have a woman. I definitely would not vote for Barack for this reason alone but given his competency it does shift my choice. As people, this would help change the view that we are a country of white superiority which is not only held by people with in this country, but also by other countries. It is also representative of the melting pot our country actually is and moving away from a land led by rich white men. Secondly, there are many urban minorities growing up in unfortunate circumstances feeling like they have no way out and no hope. Of course, Barack can not solve all their problems, but undoubtedly he would motivate a lot of people who see a leader like themselves at the national level and also approved by the nation.

5. His eloquence- I strongly believe that we need a leader who is able to speak in a way that motivates people. Continually people are attacking this characteristic Barack owns saying he is only about words. He has not become president yet, but in the only way he can prove change as he is campaigning he has (which is my next point). The power of words is important...Martin Luther King had it, Gandhi had it, JFK had it.... and it is something we will forever remember about all of them. We need someone who knows how to talk to the government, the country and to other countries and I don't believe that Clinton has as much charisma or power as Barack does. (She is intelligent of course and a good speaker as well but it is not the same).

6. Campaign money- Barack is running for president, of course special interests and lobbyists want to place their needs in his hands with the promise of money. He has not accepted any of it. This in itself ends a vicious cycle that causes government interests to be completely separate from those of the people. This is a huge problem in the state of Texas as well. You get money to get things done, but then you can't get things done because you promised certain people who gave you money you wouldn't or that you would do something else.... a reason Hilary wasn't able to carry out a plan of universal healthcare once before.

7. His name-- come on... don't you just love chanting Barack Obama!!!!! Barack Obama!!! Barack Obama for president!!!!!!!

- end note: Hilary doesn't have a cool campaign poster designed by a famous graffiti artist-

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