Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Outta My Mind

A few or more thoughts I must get out so I can think about something else:

- My favorite accent is the British accent because they emphasize the 't' and say things like lovely, eh, across the way, and bloody. I miss London and it's melting pot of accents.

- It's Chi-town, not Shy-town, but it looks better the latter way. I have recently discovered Chicago for some reason because everyone has been raving after visiting. All I remember is going to a family friend's house when I was little and used to live in Michigan. We watched the ultimate game: The Bulls vs. The Pistons and the Bulls won of course. I also remember snow and almost getting in an accident on the highway so I think I consciously decided to forget about the city.

- In case this whole art direction thing doesn't work out I am considering becoming a yoga teacher even though I think I'm too restless to do it. Why? Because it'll maybe calm me too, I'm indian which automatically legitimizes me, and my mom wants free lessons in Hawaii. I also previously mentioned massage therapy. I watched Forbes top 20 heiresses and one of them opened up a retreat in Italy as a venture. That sounds like a good idea: pick an exotic location (not Italy... maybe Italy... they have gelato and real cheese) and open up a spa-massage therapy-yoga extravaganza.

- I recently discovered the word foodie, and I like it, and I like being a foodie. I actually dream about food sometimes.. weird? perhaps. But if I had to describe my perfect heaven, it'd definitely have yellow cake with chocolate frosting and... don't get me started.

- I thought of a name for my candy and flower store: Chocolate Roses. By the way, making a list of things you want to do is a bit of a catharsis. You can hold on to your hopes without holding them all inside. Another one I must add-- getting going on my discovery of photography and start my camera collection.

- In 10 questions for The Dalai Lama or maybe it was in Eat, Pray, Love: it states that in deep meditation they discovered heaven and hell, and there is no difference between the two, except one is up which makes it better, and one is down.... i like this idea.

- I have been cursed with a break when I don't need one. A semester long break with no money or motivation to make use of this time because I'm waiting. I've discovered that it is easier for me to get things done when I'm busy and not when I'm free. Things I want to do in my spare time for fun and to relax are my hobbies; they aren't activities I want to get into when I'm bored and have nothing else to do. It is my fault though. I previously hoped for a miraculous 5 months off so I could travel the world before I started working. I forgot to hope for money though too.

- It bothers me that some people are more worried about what their life seems like than what it is actually like: making as many acquaintances as possible instead of friends, dating someone they don't care for so they don't have to be seen as single or so they can fool themselves, taking a picture of every single moment so that you aren't getting a chance to actually live or enjoy any of those moments (don't get me wrong, i love photography but people are abusing it and I blame facebook for this)...

- Sometimes I hate facebook, sometimes I love it. (Sometimes I hate blogs too) The former for the reason that sometimes I would like to be anonymous. I don't always want people to know what's going on in my life or what I'm doing or who I'm friends with- I like to be a mystery. Sometimes I don't want to know what's going on in other people's lives either-- It affects you in the way a movie or a television show does. Sometimes you compare yourself to characters, actors, celebrities and automatically assume the grass is greener.. or you're just sick of hearing about stuff on the effin' wall . I learned a valuable lesson in interpersonal communications at UT... don't ever expect your life to be anything like a movie scene because it is reality exaggerated. Anyhow, I love facebook for all the same reasons. When you get to share your life with people and become more involved in theirs, you feel as if you are keeping touch... somehow doing your part. Not to mention, I don't have to remember anyone's birthday. (Side note: I have begun to have thoughts with the beginning 'Anu is ___________.' I think facebook is contributing to multiple personality disorder.. a conversation between myself and my facebook self.)

- I'm allergic to popularity. Cases in point: I moved to Texas in middle school and I was becoming friends with a 'popular girl' and then I randomly, harshly ditched her when the not-so popular new-girl moved in town.. this was again in middle school. I somehow can't wear anything too trendy- I've never owned birkenstocks, ugs, scrunchy boots, or worn socks to my knees with tennis shoes. Not that I haven't wanted to, something just stops me. I've found myself drawn to many different types of people, one of the reasons being I don't like to be a part of just one thing.. I don't want to be too preppy or too emo or too punk or too nerdy because I'm not. I mainly brought this up because now when I am deciding where to live fairly soon in the future, my mind keeps coming back to Austin which I wouldn't have imagined a few years ago. I'm shying away from NY because it just feels like what everyone does because they feel like they're supposed to. It doesn't feel new or exciting or intriguing. It's especially weird because I do like NY and it is a place I've only visited.. and I am getting cabin fever staying in Austin--- but Austin feels like it is mine. It is not so huge, it is not completely undiscovered, it is weird, it is still unexplored, it is comfortable, but not so much so. I've basically been voting for the underdog my entire life-- but a cool underdog none-the-less. Anyhow we'll see what happens... I just want my life to special is all =D

my thoughts are turning into stories...so this is where I stop.

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